Saturday, October 10, 2009

China & Mongolia with Joelistics

Hey y'all.

You can now check out a bunch of my favourite travel photo's from the amazing journey I took this year with my mate Joel (AKA Joelistics from TZU) in China and Mongolia.

We were in Shanghai & Beijing, and then traveled up into Mongolia on the Trans-Mongolian train route, where we toured around on horses and got thrown on the ground.

Here's an example of one of Joel's great posts, describing our journey up from Beijing into Mongolia on the train, and the kind of characters we met in the dining cart. Amazing...
Check it out.

Trainspotting on the Trans Mongolian "Joelistics on Tour" October 2009

Here's the link for all the posts and images from the journey:

I think if you do a search for keywords "Evan Lorden photos" then all the posts with my images will turn up.