Thursday, July 22, 2010

Boat Anchor Productions

Inspired by the skillful ingenuity and rugged work-a-day build quality of early recording and broadcast equipment, I'm on the trail of all such items (now getting on toward relic status) to set-up my own production facility. The plan is for these older tube-laden heavyweights to compliment a selection of other retro and modern components (from 1930's ribbon mic's, to the ubiquitus silicon chip computing power common across all platforms today), providing a toolkit of useful and inspiring sound-shaping implements for quality production over various styles.

This is a photo from one of the old ABC studios in Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. This old studio reminds me of a facility I used to work in, engineering for the now obscurely infamous Murgatroyd Humperdink during his "beige" period, which was a hell of a stressful time. The only reference I can find to him is here:
    Anyway, good luck in your quest, good sir Lorden.
